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Walk with Me

walkI woke up several hours before the family and our houseguests this morning. I grabbed my coffee and journal and sat by the fire. I thought about my New Year’s resolutions and wrote them out under the titles of Body, Soul, and Spirit. It was a thoughtful and exhilarating time. When my friend finally woke up, she grabbed my hand and said, “Let’s pray!”

As we ran outside, giggling, we prayed for each other what was on our heart. Then she suggested that we sit quietly and see if the Lord had anything to say to us.

These were the words I heard:

“Walk with Me, Mary. I want you to come away with Me. I am always with you. I walk beside you. I want to walk with you in nature. For in doing this, your nature will also change. I want to take you from being My blossom to My bouquet.”

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