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Isaiah 40:27

Isaiah DeclarationsThursday, August 27, 2020

“O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, How can you say God ignores your rights?”

Personal note: Remember how Isaiah 40 began (v1)? “Comfort, comfort my people.” And midway through (v9), he says, “Your God is coming!” And just prior (v21) “Are you deaf to the words of God?” I shake my head and I bet Father does too. I can hear Him say, “When will My kids ever get it! I love them so much.”

  • Forgive us, Lord, when we doubt Your words. You are not man that You should lie. You do what You say and You keep Your promises. (Num 23:19)
  • We are so grateful that You watch over us. You see our tears, our challenges, and our disappointments. You test the righteous as well as the wicked. (Ps 11:4) Grant us favor, courage and stamina. We look to the reward of breakthrough You bring as we patiently endure with faith. (James 1:12)
  • Today, we ask Your help for those communities under duress right now in our nation: the fires in California, the destructive winds in Iowa, the wake of Hurricane Laura in Louisiana and the areas surrounding them, our cities inflamed with rioting and destruction. Protect those who rush to protect and save. Provide for those who are willing to help. Give divine wisdom to those who govern and administrate. We ask for miracles, signs and wonders where YOU get the glory.
  • Inspire us who have confidence and faith in You and Your word to share that confidence with others. Help us to lift their spirits and point them to You. Stir compassion in our hearts and Your prophetic voice in our spirits.
  • By faith, we cancel the voice of the liar and accuser and the voice of doubt and unbelief. Even as the world speaks of “cancel culture”, we can fight that battle too. We say, Spirit of God, speak! Let Wisdom and the Voice of Truth and Reason be heard all across our land, across the oceans, and across the nations. May the whole earth be filled with Your glory! Amen!!
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