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Brokenness–The Principle

A Short Teaching by Charles Stanley from 1994

brokennessWarren Wiersbe writes, “Jesus used the image of a seed to illustrate the great spiritual truth that there can be no glory without suffering, no fruitful life without death, no victory without surrender. Of itself, a seed is weak and useless; but when it is planted, it ‘dies’ and becomes fruitful. There is both beauty and bounty when a seed ‘dies’ and fulfills its purpose. If a seed could talk, it would not doubt or complain about being put into the cold, dark earth. But the only way it can achieve its goal is by being planted.

God’s children are like seeds. They are small and insignificant, but they have life in them. God’s life. However, that life can never be fulfilled unless we yield ourselves to God and permit Him to ‘plant us’. We must die to self so that we may live unto God. (Rom 6; Gal 2:20) [The Bible Expos. Commentary]

You may be facing a season of brokenness, when everything you touch seems broken or empty. Remember the principle: once a seed is planted, life begins anew. The goal of brokenness is not a shattered life, but one that is given over to God fully and completely.