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Isaiah 40:27

Isaiah DeclarationsThursday, August 27, 2020

“O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, How can you say God ignores your rights?”

Personal note: Remember how Isaiah 40 began (v1)? “Comfort, comfort my people.” And midway through (v9), he says, “Your God is coming!” And just prior (v21) “Are you deaf to the words of God?” I shake my head and I bet Father does too. I can hear Him say, “When will My kids ever get it! I love them so much.”

  • Forgive us, Lord, when we doubt Your words. You are not man that You should lie. You do what You say and You keep Your promises. (Num 23:19)
  • We are so grateful that You watch over us. You see our tears, our challenges, and our disappointments. You test the righteous as well as the wicked. (Ps 11:4) Grant us favor, courage and stamina. We look to the reward of breakthrough You bring as we patiently endure with faith. (James 1:12)
  • Today, we ask Your help for those communities under duress right now in our nation: the fires in California, the destructive winds in Iowa, the wake of Hurricane Laura in Louisiana and the areas surrounding them, our cities inflamed with rioting and destruction. Protect those who rush to protect and save. Provide for those who are willing to help. Give divine wisdom to those who govern and administrate. We ask for miracles, signs and wonders where YOU get the glory.
  • Inspire us who have confidence and faith in You and Your word to share that confidence with others. Help us to lift their spirits and point them to You. Stir compassion in our hearts and Your prophetic voice in our spirits.
  • By faith, we cancel the voice of the liar and accuser and the voice of doubt and unbelief. Even as the world speaks of “cancel culture”, we can fight that battle too. We say, Spirit of God, speak! Let Wisdom and the Voice of Truth and Reason be heard all across our land, across the oceans, and across the nations. May the whole earth be filled with Your glory! Amen!!

Isaiah 40:26

Isaiah DeclarationsWednesday, August 26, 2020

“Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.”

Personal note: OMG as the saying goes! Can you just imagine anyone on this earth in all its ancient and recent history being able to do something like this? No way, no sir, couldn’t happen. Only a GREAT God could do something like this! I close my eyes and just imagine His throne room as He looks upon our night sky and says: “Come, Orion, Ursa Major-over there and Ursa Minor-just there, give Little Dipper a little more room and make sure your North Star is visible to the sea vessels. Leo, you roar over this area and Crux, shine your southern cross the brightest tonight.” (See 5 Constellations)

  • Oh Lord, how magnificent you are! You determine the number of the stars and name each one. (Ps 147:4)
  • We bow our heads in amazement that out of the billions of souls now living on this earth, You see each soul individually and You’ve tracked them all day long, moment by moment and have thought about each and every one of them. (Ps 139:18)
  • Forgive us for making You so small. Forgive us for losing sight of Your power, Your creativity, Your marvelous ways. Forgive us for taking Your creation and our world for granted.
  • Help us to be mindful of You throughout our days and nights. Don’t let one day pass without acknowledging our gratitude for what You’ve given to us.
  • Just as You’ve named each star, You know the names of every person-past, present, and future. Today we call upon Your mercy to draw each lost soul to You. As they look up into the night sky, let their wonderment be new again. Let them ask “If there is a God…” and You answer, “Yes, I am.” Holy Spirit, speak to their hearts about Jesus. Cause divine appointments, speak to them in dreams, use a song, a conversation, a message, whatever will speak to them.
  • We marvel at Your world and ask for Your mercy on those areas facing natural disasters from fire, wind, floods, and hurricanes. Protect first-responders, cause provisions to be sent, guard lives and property, and be a help to Your people.

Isaiah 40:25

Isaiah DeclarationsTuesday, August 25, 2020

“To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” asks the Holy One.

Personal note: The key in this verse to me is actually the name of God: Holy One. It’s the Hebrew word, qadosh, meaning sacred, holy. Of the 118 times it’s used in the OT, 50 times it’s translated “holy” and 44 times it’s translated “holy one” where God Himself or others describe Him. I immediately thought of Isaiah 6 where Isaiah had a vision of God on His throne with the seraphim above the throne crying out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts; all the earth is full of His glory.” Wow. These angels had 6 wings, but note, 2 covered their faces and 2 covered their feet. Can you imagine if we saw the Lord in all His holy glory? I shake my head to think of it as I’m sure I would be flat on my face! And really, isn’t that the point?

  • Who are we that You should look upon us and care for us, and yet, You do, Lord. Our hearts are so grateful. We magnify Your Holy name with our own declaration of holy, holy, holy.
  • Forgive us, Lord. Forgive our nation. Forgive our leaders, both religious and secular for failing to recognize You as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We stand in the gap and ask You to heal our land.
  • Awaken our eyes. Help us to see why it is so dark today in our cities, in our schools and in our homes. Grant us discernment so that our prayers are targeted. Partner with us, Holy Spirit, as we pray in our prayer language.
  • For all those who have had failed relationships, poor parenting, abuse, and ill-treatment from any source, we ask YOU to be their Source! May Your love bring comfort, guidance, healing, and provision as their Holy One.
  • We continue to stand against the darkness, the evil doctrines, the false narratives of this present world. Be high and lifted up, Lord. Show us Your glory. May Your goodness and mercy be seen and honored. (Exodus 33)
  • There is none like You! (Song)

Isaiah 40:24

Isaiah DeclarationsMonday, August 24, 2020

“They hardly get started, barely taking root, when he blows on them and they wither. The wind carries them off like chaff.”

Personal note: I could go in three directions with this verse. First, at the Lord’s obvious derision for “great people” or princes of the world from the previous verse. Second, the Parable of the Sower and Weeds in Matthew 13. But I zeroed in on the word, “chaff”. I looked up the definition: 1) the husks of corn or other seed separated by threshing or winnowing, 2) chopped hay and straw used as fodder (feed for cattle and other livestock, 3) worthless things, trash. The Hebrew word is qash and means stubble or chaff and in this verse is used as a simile for driven by wind.

  • Oh, Lord, there is nothing of merit or long-standing value that can stand against Your hand or Your breath if You aren’t in it. Forgive us when we try to do things in our own strength. We recognize Your gifts of intelligence, skill, and talent, but most especially the “heart” to do or create that’s given to us through Your DNA.
  • Monuments age with time. Treasure gathered and horded is eventually lost or buried, left to be found by someone else if at all. This life can be meaningless or filled with purpose. Give us insight, courage, and fortitude to put our hands to the plow in what You’ve called us to. Keep us on Your path of righteous living. Provide opportunity and materials, tools and training, vision and design.
  • Your greatest gift to us is Your love. Magnify Yourself in us, Lord. May Your heart beat louder in us. How can we express our love back to You? Teach us to number our days. (Ps 90:12) Help us to pay attention (Prv 2:2). Give us a heart for others (Heb 12:14) Abide in us, that we may love others as You love us. (1 Jn 4:16)
  • In the end, we recognize that it’s not how much we have, nor what we accomplish, but we will be judged on how well we loved one another as well as the stranger. We’d rather be judged in this life! Correct us. Convict us. Caution us. Guide us daily. (Mt 7:2)

Isaiah 40:23

Isaiah 40

Sunday, August 23, 2020

“He judges the great people of the world and brings them all to nothing.”

Personal note: “The great people” in other versions is translated as princes with the Hebrew word, razan, meaning weighty, judicious, or commanding. My thoughts immediately went Daniel 2:21 where it says he removes kings and sets up kings and gives wisdom and understanding as He chooses. How many times in the Word have we seen this very thing? Saul/David, Adonijah/Solomon, Ahab/Jorem, Babylon’s King/Cyrus, to name but a few. I am reminded as we are in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic that those who “rule” over us set the rules and regulations that govern our lives and families. I would bet that many in charge–whether local, state, regional or national–have no clue that they will be judged on how they have cared for us during this time. I am also reminded of Paul’s letter to Timothy with its exhortation to pray for kings and all those in authority. (1 Tim 2:2)

  • Lord, it is our greatest wish to live tranquil and peaceful lives with all godliness as Paul advised Timothy. Help our hearts to look past their failures and pray for our leaders’ successes. For our sakes, give them wisdom and heavenly strategy.
  • We ask for Your wisdom and authority over our educational system particularly. Spur these educators into excellence, especially in communication. Mothers and fathers have been whipped-sawed over how to help their children in this confusing, scary, overwhelming time. Pour out an even greater anointing upon these parents to raise their children in this environment. Provide the necessary tools whether back to class, home-schooling, video-training, pod classes, or tutors. Guide their teachers and administrators. Defeat their own fears with faith. Let those who know You shine with brightness. Give them Your perfect solutions to help parents and children.
  • We stand against the father of lies and the author of confusion, “the forever loser” as Pastor Tim Sheets calls him. He was defeated at Calvary. Jesus now has the keys and He’s given the key ring to us, His church on earth. Ignite our hearts with Your prayers, Holy Spirit, as we operate with the authority You’ve given us. Help us to pray alongside You for righteousness, freedom, courage, strength, vision, and prosperity of our souls as well as our spirits and bodies.
  • Help us especially to watch our mouths in the days ahead. It is so easy to have opinions on how things should be done. Give us a nudge when we’re about to go too far. Let no word curses be heard from our mouths. (Psalm 59:12) This is especially true in the election season we are in, with the unrest in our cities, with false narratives being published, and with two sides to every decision of our lives: work, school, church, finances, leisure. Every area of our society has been affected and infected. Help us to remain humble and pure of heart that our prayers would be heard AND answered. You show Your favor to the humble. (James 4:6)