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Isaiah 40:5

Isaiah 40_8Wednesday, August 5, 2020

“Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. The Lord has spoken!”

Personal Note: I woke up slowly this morning. My first thought was “Oh, goodie! Today it’s about the GLORY!” And almost immediately I heard this: “I’ll not give My glory to another.” Woah. That stopped me in my tracks. I looked up that verse and it’s from Isaiah 42:8 “I am the Lord, that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols.” Isaiah 60:1-5 has been resonating in our heart for years, but especially in 2020 where darkness has revealed itself in every aspect of our lives (the 7 mountains). And YET! But STILL! We believe for a great renewal and revival in the church and for the world.

  • Your Word is Life, Lord. Your words are true. Your Spirit has come upon Your servants to write what they see, hear, and experience in these 66 books of the Bible. Thank You for Your Word that brings revelation, understanding, knowledge, and truth.
  • Thank You for Your comfort as well as Your correction that is found when we read Your words. Truly Your words have spoken life into us. It IS speaking and it will yet speak life to us.
  • Increase Your revelation. Give us greater discernment. Enable us to have a ready word for those You’ve put in our lives to love, to minister, to show the way to Your heart. Reveal the idols in our own hearts. Give us unction in our intercession to partner with You in tearing down idols in our world. (Eph 6:10-18) We will stand our ground with the help of Your armor.
  • As we draw nearer to You, let us behold Your beauty and glory.
  • May we be changed by Your glorious presence. Give us and Your remnant church an experience like You did for Isaiah (Is 6) and for Saul (Acts 9). We hunger for Your presence, an encounter with Your majesty and power. Take the coal from Your altar and cleanse us and our lips. We want to be pure. Encounter us on our daily road.
  • Raise up voices of revival all around the world. Anoint them with Your power.
  • We believe Your promise that “in that day” You will pour out Your spirit on ALL Your sons and daughters (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17,18). Help us to mature to that place where our hunger is not for milk, but for meat and we are ready to host Your Spirit in greater measure.
  • Give us “pause” should we ever take credit for what YOU have done in our lives or through our lives. Protect us from pride and arrogance. Keep us humble in all our ways.
  • We believe for miracles, signs and wonders that cannot be denied so that all people will see it together. There cannot be any ignorance of facts. We bind the father of lies by the power of heaven that is greater, is light, and IS truth. We loose the Spirit of Truth so that all might have a glimpse of Your true glory. Expose the lies. Uncover the masks of iniquity. Tear down idols. Send Your angel armies to fight the battle in the heavenlies.
  • Cause weakened, discouraged, hopeless hearts to be drawn to Your Word. Bring a hunger that must be satisfied in reading Your Word.
  • You have spoken. You are speaking. You will speak. Your words are eternal. Ignite that spark of eternity You’ve placed in all of Your children (Ecc 3:11) and cause us to hear You!
  • May Your glory rise upon us and help us to reflect that glory in this present darkness. AMEN!
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